Speech and Language Therapy
The Speech and Language Therapy team at Unlocking Potential work in school settings via The Schools Programme and at our very own Corner School, we specialise in a communication caseload.
Speech and Language Therapists (SaLTs) are Allied Health professionals that work with all people requiring support with communication or eating, drinking, and swallowing. SaLTs work holistically with parents/carers, families, teachers, LSAs, nurses, Occupational Therapists, psychologists, and other Health Care Professionals.
The Speech and Language Therapy team at Unlocking Potential work in school settings via The Schools Programme and at UP’s very own Corner School, UP SaLT specialise in a communication caseload.
In conjunction with The Schools Programme, UP Speech and Language Therapists provide school-based communication support to vulnerable pupils presenting with communication difficulties increasing their likelihood of Social, Emotional and Mental Health challenges. UP SaLT work in a preventative manner aiming to reduce the link between children’s Speech, Language and Communication Needs and poor SEMH.
UP SaLTs are trained in a range of core approaches to help children maximise their communication skills in the school setting. At a classroom level, UP SaLT implement a range of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) support including visuals, core boards, visual timetables, now/next boards, and Makaton in conjunction with the teaching staff to support all children’s communication skills embedding a Total Communication Approach.
UP SaLT offer schools a range of training options in conjunction with their SaLT package as well as targeted support for pupils experiencing individual communication difficulties. Where there is existing on-site SaLT service in a school, UP SaLT liaise closely with the existing SaLT team to make UP’s presence as useful as possible and, where appropriate, boost ongoing work. UP SaLT also provide a range of placement experiences via The Schools Programme for current SaLT students.
Please contact Rebecca Keeling, UP SaLT Lead, for more information about a SaLT intervention package for your school setting or a clinical placement block.
At The Corner School, many children arrive with Speech and Language requirements and recommendations detailed on their Education and Health Care Plans. These are met by UP’s onsite Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Gladys Witele. Additionally, children are monitored for any developments in their communication needs whilst attending The Corner School. All children benefit from a Total Communication Approach embedded at the school by the onsite team and supported by the wider UP SaLT team via joint CPD.
Team Contacts
Rebecca Keeling – Speech and Language Therapy Lead. email: rebecca.keeling@up.org.uk
Gladys Witele – Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, The Schools Programme and The Corner School. email: gladys.witele@up.org.uk
Hannah Mohamed – Speech and Language Therapist, The Schools Programme. email: hannah.mohamed@up.org.uk
Further information/useful websites:
of children are referred to Speech and Language Therapy to help with general language difficulties.